Monday, April 25, 2011

Driving While Under the Influence of Audio Hallucinations.

Just a quick update and describing something that happened today.

We're southward bound again (further south than Drake and Tikka.) and we got to see the storm that came by. Apparently there was a tornado warning, but there's wasn't a tornado where we were.

So anyway, describing what I experienced today.

I was driving along when I suddenly hear something hit the top of my car and I swerve a little on the road and pull over. I then get out and look around, there was nothing. I see a cop car and it pulls up behind me. 'fuck... just great...' I thought. He walks over and says "Now why did you swerve like that and why did you pull over son?" I fucking hate when people call me son... I told him I thought I heard a weird sound from my car, it made me jump and that's why I swerved and I pulled over to see if I could tell what was wrong. "Have you been drinking?" god damn it... no. I told him such. "I want you to go ahead and take a sobriety test." Well I did, passed with flying colors. He let me go, but god damn it these audio hallucinations are annoying...

We SaW a FoReSt ToDaY...

StUpId FoReSt...

It LoOkEd So DaRk...

I bEt It'D lOoK bEtTeR iF iT wErE uP iN fLaMeS...

Raz / D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Seeing Drake...

Everything went pretty smoothly. I have to say though, our meeting place was seriously out of the way. X3 Oh well, it was awesome seeing him and meeting Tikka. =3 They're an adorable couple.

Also, I really can't thank Tikka enough for the amulet. I know what their magic can do, so I REALLY appreciate it.

Hopefully I can stay in contact with them this time. :3

TiKkA wAs VeRy NiCe...

DrAkE wAs AlSo MuCh NiCeR tHaN lAsT tImE...

ThE aMuLeT fEeLs So WeIrD...


LeT uS sEe HiS hOlLoWeD fInD uS nOw...


Raz / D

Edit: Saw that Drake told everyone what our blog was so I'll let you know what his is if you don't know yet. X3 It's "Anonymous here..." So go by and say hi and follow him. He needs as much support as he can get. =3

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not officially back...

Just letting you all know that we're still out here fighting the good fight. I have to say, D is invaluable. Without him in here with me (For any new readers, D was my hollowed side, which became a whole personality and now we're working together to stay alive), I would have died long ago. Thank you D.

YoU'rE wElCoMe RaZ...

Well we're packing up tomorrow and heading out again. Right now we're back in the midwest again. Drake, if you want to either meet me or get back in contact, shoot me an email, you know it still right? Well just wanted to let you all know we're doing alright, actually we're a lot better since we last posted, now it's just a matter of staying on our toes and making sure to keep moving.

It'S rEaLlY fUn HeArInG tHeIr HeAds CrUnCh...

JuSt A sHaMe HiS HoLlOwEd DoN't BlEeD...

JuSt ThAt IcKy BlAcK sTuFf...

I wOnDeR iF wE aRe FuLl LiKe ThEm...

Raz / D