Friday, September 2, 2011

Still Alive

Just letting you all know that we're still around and still out there. Honestly it's kind of funny, we haven't seen a Proxy or Him for about... oh... a month now. I think we're getting better at hiding our movements. Of course when we post, it's easier for Him to find us, but honestly I'm not that afraid anymore.

Hopefully everyone is staying as strong as they can, and remember to stay safe.

I rEaLlY mIsSeD tAlKiNg To PeOpLe On HeRe...

It'S kInD oF lOnElY rUnNiNg LiKe ThIs...

I wIsH wE hAd SoMeOnE eLsE tO tAlK tO...

Raz / D

Oh god... I just saw that Tikka died... Drake... I'm so sorry... Ecko... keep him safe...

Also... WTF?! Susan is back?! I don't like this... be careful Drake... be VERY careful.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Driving While Under the Influence of Audio Hallucinations.

Just a quick update and describing something that happened today.

We're southward bound again (further south than Drake and Tikka.) and we got to see the storm that came by. Apparently there was a tornado warning, but there's wasn't a tornado where we were.

So anyway, describing what I experienced today.

I was driving along when I suddenly hear something hit the top of my car and I swerve a little on the road and pull over. I then get out and look around, there was nothing. I see a cop car and it pulls up behind me. 'fuck... just great...' I thought. He walks over and says "Now why did you swerve like that and why did you pull over son?" I fucking hate when people call me son... I told him I thought I heard a weird sound from my car, it made me jump and that's why I swerved and I pulled over to see if I could tell what was wrong. "Have you been drinking?" god damn it... no. I told him such. "I want you to go ahead and take a sobriety test." Well I did, passed with flying colors. He let me go, but god damn it these audio hallucinations are annoying...

We SaW a FoReSt ToDaY...

StUpId FoReSt...

It LoOkEd So DaRk...

I bEt It'D lOoK bEtTeR iF iT wErE uP iN fLaMeS...

Raz / D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Seeing Drake...

Everything went pretty smoothly. I have to say though, our meeting place was seriously out of the way. X3 Oh well, it was awesome seeing him and meeting Tikka. =3 They're an adorable couple.

Also, I really can't thank Tikka enough for the amulet. I know what their magic can do, so I REALLY appreciate it.

Hopefully I can stay in contact with them this time. :3

TiKkA wAs VeRy NiCe...

DrAkE wAs AlSo MuCh NiCeR tHaN lAsT tImE...

ThE aMuLeT fEeLs So WeIrD...


LeT uS sEe HiS hOlLoWeD fInD uS nOw...


Raz / D

Edit: Saw that Drake told everyone what our blog was so I'll let you know what his is if you don't know yet. X3 It's "Anonymous here..." So go by and say hi and follow him. He needs as much support as he can get. =3

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not officially back...

Just letting you all know that we're still out here fighting the good fight. I have to say, D is invaluable. Without him in here with me (For any new readers, D was my hollowed side, which became a whole personality and now we're working together to stay alive), I would have died long ago. Thank you D.

YoU'rE wElCoMe RaZ...

Well we're packing up tomorrow and heading out again. Right now we're back in the midwest again. Drake, if you want to either meet me or get back in contact, shoot me an email, you know it still right? Well just wanted to let you all know we're doing alright, actually we're a lot better since we last posted, now it's just a matter of staying on our toes and making sure to keep moving.

It'S rEaLlY fUn HeArInG tHeIr HeAds CrUnCh...

JuSt A sHaMe HiS HoLlOwEd DoN't BlEeD...

JuSt ThAt IcKy BlAcK sTuFf...

I wOnDeR iF wE aRe FuLl LiKe ThEm...

Raz / D

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Drake contacted me...

I'm not taking the Athame. If it has that kind of effect on him then I can only imagine what it would do to me...

Well... D and I are leaving... probably for good... We're going to keep running for as long as we can... but we might not ever post on here again... For safety reasons... that way they'll have a harder time tracking us...

GoOd ByE eVeRyOnE...

We WiLl MiSs YoU...

Raz / D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Drake threw me out...

He doesn't trust me anymore.

The fact that I have D inside my head makes him, Drake, believe that he, Drake, can't trust us. I've read on the blogs whats been happening to Susan... He had me go see Susan with him. She did seem very upset by everything that had been happening and he didn't seem very stable... and at times he seemed to be replying to a question that no one asked...

I think he's going just a little bit mad... Well... I guess I'm heading out again... I don't know where to go next... I'll probably post sometime tomorrow... see ya...


Sunday, January 23, 2011

What happened...

Yeah... I'm here...

Me ToO...

Drake is... alive...

Well... we went into the woods... where we knew that He would show up... Well He did...

Drake started distracting Him, pulling out the Athame and flourishing it... I snuck around behind Him... kinda... hoping that He was too distracted with Drake. I managed to get up behind him and D took over, grabbing Him around the chest, holding His arms down against His sides.

Drake then ran at Him and attempted to stab Him with the Athame... well... I can only guess at what exactly happened next...

There were so many tentacles... and I thought I saw the Athame cut across His chest, tearing through his clothing and skimming across his chest, and then suddenly I was on the ground, D was unconscious and as I sat up. All I could see was this black mass and Drake was gone... suddenly it was gone and Drake was on the ground, passed out... His arm was broken but the Athame was unharmed... 

I took him back to his house and I've been working on him since then... He's come around and seems like he's going to be okay... right now I have his arm in a makeshift cast and I've done what I can... I'm not taking him to the hospital cause there's no way I could explain the injuries he had... 

He's going to take a little bit to recover... but he should be okay...

Raz / D

Such Horrible Things...

This is the song Such Horrible Things by Creature Feature.

I've done such horrible things, but I'm feeling less bad about them. I regret all the normal people I've hurt or killed, but those Proxies. Their deaths barely weigh on my soul anymore. I am free, and He will pay.

We WiLl WiN...

We WiLl WiN...

We'Ll PuNcH yOu In ThE cHiN...

MuCh To YoUr ChAgRiN...

AnD wItH SoMe StRaIgHt PiNs...

We'Ll GiVe YoU hOlEs To SeE AgAiN...

We're coming master and you will learn to fear us.

Raz / D

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Drake and I have been talking a lot today. We're planning on testing out the Athame. It'll be dangerous, but I'll be here to back him up

... I also talked to Rose and... Rachel... God... well... Rose has forgiven me... she's just sad that she died so young... she knows it wasn't my decision to do that to her... and Rachel... god... I still love her... and...

RaZ iS bUsY cRyInG rIgHt NoW...

He WaS gOiNg To SaY sHe StIlL lOvEs HiM...

RaZ / D

At Drake/Anon's...

I arrived around 1:10, couldn't find the house right away, heh. Well, I parked outside and as I got out and started walking towards the front door, I saw someone standing on the porch. When I got there I realized it was a little girl, I tapped her shoulder and she jumped a little and looked over at me.

It was Drake's little sister Susan. She didn't know how she got there and she was holding a doll. Apparently Drake is uploading a picture of it, so go to his blog if you want to see it. It looks like Him, but without clothes, like the most basic you could make Him look.

Drake was very upset and I can hear him crying a little while he types... He's very worried about his sister...

I believe that together we can fight Him, D has even completely jumped on the band wagon, as much as he can.

I cAn'T hUrT hIm, BuT i WiLl KeEp RaZ fUlLy InFoRmEd On HiS iNtEnTiOnS...

I wAnT RaZ aNd DrAkE tO wIn...

AnD i DoN't WaNt SuSaN tO gEt HuRt...

That's all for tonight. We'll post tomorrow. I'm going to go have a cup of coffee in Drake's kitchen and talk with him for awhile. Have a goodnight everyone.

Raz / D

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Him again...

Well... didn't really see Him... but we've seen a lot of slender proxies running around... fucking bastards... 

oh! Sidenote: D is REALLY strong. We got into a fist fight with a proxy and D took control for a bit and managed to snap the proxy's upper arm bone (don't know what it's called) in half. He knocked the proxy to the ground and grabbed his arm, placing our leg on the proxies upper arm and managed to pull up so hard on the proxies elbow that instead of dislocating any part of the arm, he just snapped the bone in half. It was brutal and so... satisfying...

He BrOkE lIkE a TwIg...

TwIgGy TwIg...

FrAiL lItTlE tHiNg...

I... I have to admit... I enjoyed it... that proxy fucking deserved it... and... it felt so good to just break his arm like that... even if technically I wasn't doing it.

We're in Idaho... planning on moving down to Nevada, maybe swing by Las Vegas... never been there before...

Raz / D

Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Cali.

Yuuup. That's about all for now... we've been making good time... We've both been feeling really tired recently but I think it's just that we haven't been getting a lot of sleep since we've been on the run and all.

I wAnT tO sLeEp...

Yeah... that's all for now... see you all around.

Raz / D

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just realized...

That Stormecho, in a comment she left for me back on her thread, had asked for an introduction to D. So here's a quick recap of what has happened to lead to D's presence here.

I was on the run from Him and went to my friend Rachel's house. Once there my friend Leslie came over and stayed with us for awhile... he went missing, and during that time Rachel started getting more and more sick, being hollowed I thought. One night we were attacked and I couldn't keep them away from her... I lost sight of her... so I thought they had turned her into a Husk... He made a deal that if I gave myself up to Him, He'd let Rachel go. When I became hollowed I started calling myself D, meaning Doomed. A tiny bit after the solstice I learned that Rachel was dead... I was so enraged that I broke free from His control... well... I met Tom and we went on the run... and then one night I suddenly realized that I had choked Tom to death... and that there was another voice in my head. He called himself D and as far as I can tell he's kind of a split personality that is hollowed. He doesn't seem to actually want to cause me any harm though... but he's definitely here to monitor me...

That's about all...

I wAnNa TaLk...


ThErE iS nO cOdE...

I jUsT tAlK lIkE tHiS...

LiKe ThE tRoLlS fRoM mS pAiNt AdVeNtUrEs...

BuT yEaH...

I gUeSs I jUsT wAnTeD tO sAy ThAt...

Raz / D

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I gEt To MaKe A pOsT...


It'S hArD tO eXpReSs My ExCiTeMeNt...


He SeEmS aNgRy...

JuSt ThOuGhT yOu'D aLl WaNt To KnOw ThAt...

NoT jUsT aT uS (rAz AnD mE) bUt AbOuT mAnY tHiNgS rIgHt NoW...

YoU (aLl Of YoU) hAvE rEaLlY bEeN uPsEtTiNg HiM...


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On the run, but D seems to be having fun...

Seriously. He seems to think it's like playing Hide and Seek.

It Is...

JuSt MoRe DaNgErOuS...

WhIcH mAkEs It MoRe FuN...

Heh... I guess so... We've been riding busses a lot recently. This is one of the songs I've been listening to while going along.

It's The Reeling by Passion Pit. Good song, great band. Hopefully the new year has been kind to all of you.

CaUsE iT'lL pRoBaBlY gEt WoRsE...

Raz / D

Sunday, January 2, 2011

already in Texas.

We made a lot of distance today... Feeling pretty good about that... and yes... by 'we' I mean me and

Me Of CoUrSe...

Yeah... it's weird... we're both in here... but we're not constantly fighting each other... my thoughts just sorta float through his and his through mine... it's kinda


Yes, but stop trying to finish my


Oh, ha ha, very mature. So yeah, as you can see D has become a little childish... which I honestly prefer... So yeah, that's all for today.

Raz / D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I killed him...

I fucking killed him...

ToM lIeS iN a ToMb...


He WaNtS mE tO bE a GoOd BoY...


I dOn'T tHiNk He LiKeS hOw YoU'rE aCtInG rAz...

wait... I'm not writing that... oh god...

YeS wE aRe...

Listen... obviously I'm still hollowed... I mean... I don't... My head hurts... I'm going to be around... I... I don't know... Last night... I saw a shadow... and... and then my head hurt... and when I came around... Tom was dead... I had strangled him to death... But I'm not dead... So... I'm going to head further south... and west... Drake... Susan... I can't come see you... I don't know what I might do if I do... I can hear him so clearly now... he's so loud...

He Is AlWaYs WiTh Us....

Raz / D