Friday, January 7, 2011

Just realized...

That Stormecho, in a comment she left for me back on her thread, had asked for an introduction to D. So here's a quick recap of what has happened to lead to D's presence here.

I was on the run from Him and went to my friend Rachel's house. Once there my friend Leslie came over and stayed with us for awhile... he went missing, and during that time Rachel started getting more and more sick, being hollowed I thought. One night we were attacked and I couldn't keep them away from her... I lost sight of her... so I thought they had turned her into a Husk... He made a deal that if I gave myself up to Him, He'd let Rachel go. When I became hollowed I started calling myself D, meaning Doomed. A tiny bit after the solstice I learned that Rachel was dead... I was so enraged that I broke free from His control... well... I met Tom and we went on the run... and then one night I suddenly realized that I had choked Tom to death... and that there was another voice in my head. He called himself D and as far as I can tell he's kind of a split personality that is hollowed. He doesn't seem to actually want to cause me any harm though... but he's definitely here to monitor me...

That's about all...

I wAnNa TaLk...


ThErE iS nO cOdE...

I jUsT tAlK lIkE tHiS...

LiKe ThE tRoLlS fRoM mS pAiNt AdVeNtUrEs...

BuT yEaH...

I gUeSs I jUsT wAnTeD tO sAy ThAt...

Raz / D


  1. x3 I know it's no code but I always think there /might/ be one due to reading too many comments with weird caps. Regardless, I've mastered the impulse to separate all the capitalized letters because it would drive me crazy. x3

  2. Haha. Trust me Stormecho, not worth it.

    Although I still don't like the all to convenient coincidence when me and Vera were suspicious.
